
What’s the Best Time to Post on LinkedIn for Peak Engagement

July 19, 20247 min read


Samuel Rondot

Samuel Rondot

Founder @ BreakReach
What’s the Best Time to Post on LinkedIn for Peak Engagement

LinkedIn stands out as a paramount social media platform for professionals. Yet, the question remains: when is the best time to post on LinkedIn to effectively reach your target audience and enhance your engagement? This article delves into data-backed insights and offers practical tips to fine-tune your posting schedule on LinkedIn.

Understanding LinkedIn's Unique Audience Dynamics

Before pinpointing the optimal time to post on LinkedIn, grasping the nuances of your target audience's behavior and content consumption on this platform is crucial. LinkedIn sets itself apart from other social media platforms with its distinct purpose, audience, and content types.

Consider these essential insights:

Professionals’ Online Behavior

LinkedIn serves as a hub for professionals seeking to connect with peers, acquire new skills, discover career opportunities, and stay abreast of industry trends. LinkedIn's own data reveals that its users are twice as likely to trust content shared by their connections over that from brands.

To build trust and credibility with your audience, it's imperative to share valuable and relevant content that highlights your expertise and insights. Engaging with your audience by responding to comments, and actively liking and sharing their posts, further solidifies your presence and trustworthiness.

Content Consumption Patterns

LinkedIn members engage with content in diverse ways, including scrolling through the news feed, reading articles, watching videos, listening to podcasts, and participating in live events. On average, LinkedIn users dedicate 9 minutes per day to the platform, according to LinkedIn.

This underscores the importance of quickly capturing their attention with engaging and informative content that rises above the noise in the crowded news feed. Additionally, ensuring your content is optimized for mobile access is crucial, as over 60% of LinkedIn interactions occur on mobile devices.

Optimal Times and Days for Maximum Exposure

Gaining an insight into LinkedIn's distinct audience dynamics, you're likely curious about the optimal times and days to post on LinkedIn for maximum exposure. It's important to note that there's no one-size-fits-all answer, as the ideal timing varies based on factors like your specific industry, geographic location, and objectives. Nonetheless, there are several general guidelines that can assist in refining your LinkedIn posting schedule.

Here are a few recommendations:

Weekday vs. Weekend Activity

It's generally observed that weekdays outperform weekends for LinkedIn posts, given that most professionals engage with the platform during work hours. Buffer suggests that the prime time for posting on LinkedIn to achieve high engagement falls between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. However, weekends shouldn't be disregarded entirely.

Hootsuite's research indicates that weekends can also present a valuable opportunity to post on LinkedIn, particularly if your target audience is global or within a specific niche industry. Testing posts during weekends could yield beneficial insights due to potentially lower competition and increased visibility chances.

Industry-Specific Timing Insights

The ideal posting time on LinkedIn can also be influenced by your industry. Different sectors experience peak LinkedIn activity at varying times and days, reflective of their unique audience and objectives.

For instance, SocialPilot highlights that the education sector finds the most success posting between 8 a.m. and 12 p.m. on Mondays and Tuesdays, whereas the finance industry sees optimal engagement from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Utilizing tools like Sprout Social, which offer industry-specific data and insights, can help pinpoint the most effective posting times and days for your sector on LinkedIn.

Global Considerations

When targeting a global audience or managing followers across various countries and time zones, it's crucial to adapt your posting schedule accordingly. For example, if you're in France aiming to connect with US professionals, posting in the late afternoon or evening (your local time) may align with morning or noon in the US. Tools like Hootsuite facilitate scheduling your posts in advance, ensuring they go live at the most opportune moments for each targeted region and time zone.

Leveraging LinkedIn Analytics for Personalized Timing Strategies

So far, we have discussed some general guidelines on the best time to post on LinkedIn based on data from various sources. However, the best way to find out the optimal time for your specific audience and goals is to use LinkedIn analytics to track and measure your own performance.

In this section, we'll show you how to use LinkedIn analytics to understand your audience insights, experiment with different posting times and days, and adjust your strategy accordingly. We'll also share some tools and resources that can help you schedule your posts more efficiently and effectively.

Understanding Your Audience Insights

The first step to finding the best time to post on LinkedIn is to understand who your audience is and what they are interested in. You can use LinkedIn analytics to get a detailed breakdown of your audience demographics, such as their location, industry, job function, seniority, and company size.

You can also see the topics and hashtags that your audience follows and engages with, as well as the sources of your followers and visitors. These insights can help you tailor your content and timing to your audience's preferences and behavior.

For example, if you find out that most of your audience is located in a different time zone than yours, you might want to adjust your posting schedule accordingly. Or, if you discover that your audience is interested in a specific topic or hashtag, you might want to create more content around it and post it when they are most active.

Experimentation and Adjustment

The next step to finding the best time to post on LinkedIn is to experiment with different posting times and days and see how they affect your engagement and reach. You can use LinkedIn analytics to see how many impressions, reactions, comments, shares, clicks, and video views each of your posts gets.

You can also see the average engagement rate of your posts, which is the percentage of impressions that resulted in an engagement. These metrics can help you compare the performance of your posts and identify the patterns and trends that indicate the best time to post.

For example, you might notice that your posts get more engagement on Tuesdays at 10 a.m. than on Fridays at 4 p.m. or that your videos get more views on weekends than on weekdays. Based on these findings, you can adjust your posting schedule to maximize your exposure and results.

Tools and Resources for Scheduling

The final step to finding the best time to post on LinkedIn is to use tools and resources that can help you schedule your posts in advance and automate your process. This can save you time and hassle, as well as ensure that you post consistently and at the right time.


There are many tools and resources that can help you with scheduling your posts, such as BreakReach, Buffer, Sprout Social, and CoSchedule. These tools allow you to plan, create, and publish your posts across multiple social media platforms, including LinkedIn.

They also provide analytics and insights that can help you optimize your posting schedule and strategy. Some of them even have features that can suggest the best time to post based on your audience and goals.


In this article, we've explored the optimal timing for LinkedIn posts to achieve maximum engagement. We've recognized that LinkedIn, with its unique position as a professional networking platform, necessitates a tailored approach distinct from other social media channels. Additionally, we've uncovered that pinpointing the best time to post on LinkedIn hinges on a myriad of factors including your target audience, industry, geographical location, and overarching objectives.

Nevertheless, we've also delineated several general guidelines and tips to fine-tune your posting schedule on LinkedIn, such as:

  • Weekdays are generally more effective than weekends for LinkedIn posts, particularly from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Peak times and days for LinkedIn engagement vary across different industries; hence, it's crucial to gather industry-specific data and insights.
  • For those aiming at a global audience or managing followers across various time zones, adjusting your posting schedule to accommodate these global dynamics is essential.
  • Leveraging LinkedIn analytics to monitor your performance, experimenting with various posting times and days, and refining your strategy based on the insights gathered is key to success.
  • Utilizing tools and resources like Hootsuite, Buffer, Sprout Social, and CoSchedule can streamline the process of scheduling your posts in advance and automating your posting routine.

We trust this article has equipped you with the knowledge to identify the best posting times on LinkedIn tailored to your unique audience and goals. Remember, achieving the perfect posting schedule is an iterative process, requiring ongoing testing and adjustments to discover what yields the best results for you. Should you seek further assistance in crafting and managing your LinkedIn content, feel free to reach out for a free consultation.

Our team of seasoned experts is ready to assist you in creating compelling and informative content that not only highlights your expertise and insights but also effectively engages your target audience on LinkedIn.


What is the best time to post on LinkedIn for maximum exposure?

The best time to post on LinkedIn for maximum exposure is between 10 am to 12 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. This conclusion is based on monitoring the engagement of over 50,000+ accounts across various industries and locations.

What is the golden hour for LinkedIn posts?

The golden hour for LinkedIn posts is the first 60 minutes after a post is shared on the platform. This is the most critical time frame for your post because LinkedIn's algorithm analyzes your post information to determine its success.

What is the best time of week to post on LinkedIn?

The best time of week to post on LinkedIn is Thursday, according to one source. Another source suggests that the best overall time to post on LinkedIn is between 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

What time do people use LinkedIn most?

According to the web search results, people use LinkedIn most during business hours and days, especially between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. However, the best time to post on LinkedIn for education and schools is Tuesdays at 11 a.m..

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